Social Engagement

Onyx Healthcare has long emphasized social welfare. Besides community engagement aspects such as rural education and lookingafter disadvantaged groups with Aaeon Foundation, we also value the promotion of technical and vocational education, hence we engage in industry-academia collaboration with technical and vocational universities to create internship opportunities. In terms of environmental sustainability, we have been conducting beach cleaning activities since 2016, and have joined forces with Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency, Forestry Bureau to plant 15,000 trees within a decade, in turn making a positive contribution to social inclusion.

"Cycling Around Taiwan - 1919 Love in Action" Charity Fundraising

On December 23, 2023, the Chairman led two senior executives on a 15-day cycling tour around Taiwan during the winter. Each day, the Chairman documented his reflections in short films shared with all colleagues,

detailing the kilometers traveled, places visited, and interactions with disadvantaged families and schoolchildren in rural areas. Accompanied by fellow cycling warriors, they distributed food packages from the 1919 Rescue Association’sfood bank to these families as part of their outreach activities. During cycling, colleagues at Onyx Healthcare were invited to join the "I Ride, You Donate" fundraising event to support families in urgent need, giving them the opportunity to become "1919 Lovein Action" charity angels!



Let There Be Love in Life - Joint Blood Donation Campaign

To encourage colleagues to develop a habit of blood donation and support the belief that "one bag of blood can save a life," the AAEON Foundation and Onyx Healthcare have, since 2001, rallied companies in the park to participate in the "Let There Be Love in Life" joint blood donation events held in March, June, September,and December annually.

With the collaboration of park companies such as AAEON Technology, Onyx Healthcare, Litemax, and Good Way Technology, we amplify our social impact.
The annual "Let There Be Love in Life" joint blood donation campaign includes four events, resulting in 468 participants donating a total of 881 bags.  


Second-Hand Goods &Old Shoes Charity Collection/Donation Activities

This year, Onyx Healthcare organized three events to collect and donate second-hand goods.
By gathering and reusing these items, we supported rural communities, giving children the chance to learn from diverse experiences. Onyx Healthcare not only excels in its core business but also enriches the lives of its employees through charitable services, fulfilling its responsibility as a corporate citizen. In the first half of the year, collected items were sent to the "Hualien Woodpecker Life Association" and "A Kernel of Wheat Foundation of Taitung City",.

In the latter half, we participated in the New Taipei City Environmental Protection Bureau's largest charity flea market, "Christmas Environmental Treasure Hunt", providing supplies for disadvantaged families or items for charity sales. The funds raised from these sales support community development projects like training youth in community participation, community care, and resource reuse, ensuring these efforts reach the next generation. Each box of second-hand goods is estimated to sell for NT$500, contributing funds to community development work.The second-hand goods and old shoes collection event is held three times a year, totaling 120 boxes of donations.


Local Community Care Donations

The Onyx Healthcare Volunteer Team continues to focus on local communities, arranging bi-annual visits to and support for local charitable organizations.

This year, wesupported the "Silverlight Canteen" (Caring Convergence) in Banqiao District, New Taipei City, and the Taiwan Fund for Children and Families in Xindian District, New Taipei City, providing supplies and monetary donations totaling NT$29,500.


Supporting and Promoting the Development of Vocational & Technical Education

To reinforce global competitiveness, and foster R&D strength and technological development, the Company is dedicated to uplifting the educational quality of technical and vocational schools, as well as cultivating future youth talents.

In 2023, we continued to vigorously cultivate professional talents needed by the industry in conjunction with Taiwan Tech and CUTe through "industry-academia collaboration", "in-service master's program", and "scholarships"

Donate NT$100 million to the CUTe for the technical and vocational education in-depth development project

(In 2017, we donated NT$100 million to CUTe. By 2023, we accumulated: 40 interns, approximately 100 participants in industry-academic courses, 15 students in new immigrant/international student counseling classes, and 99 scholarship recipients.)

NTUST R&D Center Project

In response to the rapid development of AI and the IoT, AIoT software talent will become an essential component of the future technology industry. To accelerate the cultivation of software talent, the group has decided to leverage the research capabilities of NTUST, combining industry and academic strengths. At the end of 2018, we signed an agreement to provide NT$30 million in research funding and established the Medical AI Onyx NTUST Joint R&D Center within the IA Building. The company identifies industry needs and provides resources, setting up hardware facilities and research laboratories, and invites professors and students to collaborate with Onyx's R&D personnel on the development of AI platform firmware. By integrating the academic strengths of the professors and students, the goal is to achieve innovative research and development through collaborative efforts. In 2023, a total of NT$3.3 million was invested in two innovative R&D projects, with participation from three professors and five graduate students.

Enrichment of Educational Resources for Children in Rural Areas

In response to the United Nations SDG 4: Quality Education, ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education, and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all.

(In 2023, Onyx Healthcare invested a total of NT$5,262,217, collaborating with 18 rural primary schools in Chiayi County, with 26,347 participants.)

Arts Glimmer School Music Education Promotion / Classical Music Magic House

School Environmental Education Promotion Project - Environment Taiwan

Learn-Think Program / Campus Learn-Think Teaching Application Promotion Project

Board Game WonderLand - Campus Promotion Project

Family-FriendlyEnterprise Alliance

Happiness Booster: Family Education Lectures (In 2023, 113 participants, with a satisfaction rate of 98%)

Parent-Child Education Project – Onyx Weekend School (In 2023, 127 families, 402 participants)


Environment and Climate Action

Commit to a decade of afforestation to protect mountains, forests, and the magnificence of Taiwan

With advancements in technology and an increasing population, society has become increasingly reliant on manufacturing and consumption. The consumption of a large amount of natural resources and energy generates excessive carbon emissions,exacerbates global warming, and extreme climates lead tnatural disasters and ecological crises everywhere.
Onyx Healthcare is committed in 2020 to plant 15,000 trees in a decade. In 2023, we continued our collaboration with the Luodong Forest District Office, adopting a 0.89-hectare forest land plot (land number 139) in Yuhu Yuheng Pingding, Ruifang District, New Taipei City.

Through the Company's tree planting sponsorship, we helped the office reclaim this illegally cultivated land and planned to plant 1,335 saplings, including native nectar source forest species like Michelia formosana, Machilus thunbergii, Ligustrum lucidum, Cyclobalanopsis glauca, Cinnamomum kanehirae, Liquidambar formosana, Acacia confusa, and Cinnamomum subavenium. Once mature, this forest is expected to absorb 16,020 kilograms of carbon emissions annually, contributing to local nectar source ecological conservation.
The Company has arranged for colleagues to participate in the activity. Starting from digging the planting holes, planting plants, appreciating the touching sentiments of tree planting, to promoting the importance of energy conservation and carbon reduction, it is hoped that they can take action to contribute towards carbon reduction.

The Ocean Thanks You - Reduce Plastic to Love the Ocean -Enterprise Joint Beach Cleaning Campaign

The coastal Provincial Highway No. 2 abounds with tourist attractions and recreational facilities, yet the 48km-long coastline is affected by ocean currents and monsoons that constantly push marine debris to the shore and cause pollution.

Onyx Healthcare hopes to organize beach cleaning activities to let colleagues understand the origin and types of marine waste, and that people are the “contributors” of marine waste and pollution. Since 2020, we have adopted the Wanli coastline of New Taipei City todemonstrate our commitment to environmental sustainability.
The 2023 beach cleaning activity was held on November 4. The activity saw the participation of 160 people and collected a total of 144.3kg of beach waste which consists of bottle caps, straws, and other convenience products that we use every
day. It is hoped that the activity will let colleagues understand that beach cleaning is a never-ending process, only by practicing small gestures such as “reducing plastic” at the source and loving the earth through “waste reduction” will the earth become a better place. The event aims to instill environmental awareness into the hearts of Onyx employees.





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