Industry News

    Keeping People Healthy at Home (Onyx-1022/Onyx-1222/MD116/Venus-123)


    As people encounter greater difficulty traveling in their communities due to governmental restrictions or inconvenience, the healthcare community is looking at more convenient and effective ways of providing healthcare via home telehealth systems that also include interactive capacities to increase cognitive engagement for the elderly.


    Home Telehealth System

    Remote home care systems generally focus on connecting the home environment and medical care service institutions, with the main service provided as healthcare. Computer hardware in the home primarily focuses on the capture and transmission of physiological data which is transmitted to a centralized cloud database over the Internet for storage and subsequent analysis. Users, such as the elderly themselves, family members, or professional medical staff, can make use of special software to check the data anytime. However, mobile devices are changing the way telemedicine is being delivered, allowing users to more easily view important healthcare data remotely, and with extreme image clarity. From skin checks to dental exams, ear and throat probes, and wound management, mobile device technology helps bridge great distances between doctors and patients, especially in regional communities.

    Interactive Fun Technology for Older Adults

    It is well known in the medical community that reducing the level of cognitive decline in the elderly requires continued mental stimulation through a variety of methods. The design of interactive entertainment technology products suitable for
    the elderly will become increasingly important for the health and wellbeing of the aging population around the globe. In addition
    to simply making life more fun, interactive entertainment also stimulates mental activities in the elderly which can reduce the risk of mental deterioration, including the onset of dementia
    and other related mental diseases.



    onyx 1022










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