National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Founded in 1974, the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology ("NTUST") currently consists of six colleges: College of Engineering, College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, School of Management, College of Design, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, and College of Applied Sciences.At NTUST, there are approximately 5,500 undergraduate students, 5,300 graduate students, and 515 professors. NTUST is an outstanding science and technology oriented university in Taiwan that is able to deliver world-leading AI research results and software development projects.

Onyx Healthcare Inc.
Onyx Healthcare is a listed company and a subsidiary of ASUS Group. Founded in 2011, Onyx Healthcare specializes in designing and manufacturing medical computers and equipment. Headquartered in Taiwan, the company has offices in the United States and the Netherlands to serve healthcare clients across three continents. Years of industry–academia collaboration between NTUST and Onyx Healthcare have led to successful and fruitful results in the fields of positioning technology, medical power management, remote healthcare, and medical AI, to name a few. To express appreciation for and strengthen the collaboration with NTUST, Onyx Healthcare Chairman Yung-Shun Chuang kindly donated NT$100 million in 2016 to help construct the Onyx Building on campus and later moved product planning and development units of the company to the building in 2021 to facilitate a closer partnership.

Onyx-NTUST Medical AI Joint Research Center
Given the rapid development of AI applications in medicine and healthcare in the twenty-first century, NTUST and Onyx Healthcare established the Onyx Healthcare–NTUST Medical AI Joint Research Center in 2022. The center encompasses work in medical engineering, medical imaging, big data analytics, AR and VR medical training, embedded system development, and others. By combining specialized expertise, NTUST and Onyx Healthcare together provide healthcare clients across the world with one-stop services that integrate medical AI modelling and simulation, software/hardware design, and manufacturing operations. Furthermore, the collaboration helps clients develop successful medical AI products and generally contributes to the medical and healthcare industry overall.